Publications & Research
Refereed Journal Articles
Shallal-Ayzin M., Trinh T., Yeung W., Tawil P.Z., Haggerty C.L., Wu D., Khan A. A Prospective Analysis of the Correlation between Postoperative Pain and Vital Pulp Therapy. Front Dent Med 2021.
Vilas Boas L., Ferrari V., Tawil P.Z., Coelho M. Effect of Photodynamic Therapy on Postoperative Pain in Posterior Teeth with Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 2021, 35:1-4.
Best S., Ammons C.L., Karunanayake G.A., Saemundsson S.R., Tawil P.Z. Outcome Assessment of Teeth with Necrotic Pulps and Apical Periodontitis Treated with Long-Term Calcium Hydroxide. J Endo, 2020, 47:11-8.
Arnarsdottir E.K., Karunanayake G.A., Phillips C., Saemundsson S.R., Tawil P.Z. Periapical Microsurgery: Assessment of different types of Light Emitting Diode transilluminators in detection of dentinal defects. J Endod, 2020, 46:252-7.
Tawil P., Boufassa M. Segmental Osteotomy in the Correction of an Anterior Open Bite: A Case Report. Compend Contin Educ 2020; 41(4):218-23.
Coelho M., Vilas Boas L., Tawil P.Z. The Effects of Photodynamic Therapy on Postoperative Pain in Teeth with Necrotic Pulps - a Randomized Double-Blind Clinical Trial. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther, 2019, 27:396-401.
Payne L., Fouad A., Phillips C., Walia H., Tawil P. Resilon: Assessment of Degraded Filling Material in Non-Healed Cases. J Endod, 2019, 45:691-5.
Strange K.A., Tawil P.Z., Phillips C., Walia H, Fouad A. Long Term Outcomes of Endodontic Treatment Performed with Resilon/Epiphany. J Endod, 2019, 45:507-12.
Crossen D., Tawil P., Morelli T., Tyndall D. Periapical Microsurgery: A 4-D Analysis of Healing Patterns. J Endod, 2019, 45:402-5.
Tawil P.Z., Arnarsdottir E.K., Phillips C., Saemundsson S.R. Periapical Microsurgery: Do Root Canal Retreated Teeth Have More Dentinal Defects? J Endod, 2018, 44:1487-91.
Parker J.M., Mol A., Rivera E.M., Tawil P.Z. Cone-beam Computed Tomography Uses in Clinical Endodontics: Observer Variability in Detecting Periapical Lesions. J Endod, 2017, 43:184-7.
Coelho M.S., Card S.J., Tawil P.Z. Safety Assessment of two Hybrid Instrumentation Techniques in an Undergraduate Endodontic Clinic - a Retrospective Study. J Dent Educ, 2017, 81(3):334-9 .
Tawil P.Z., Arnarsdottir E.K., Coelho M.S. Root Originating Dentinal Defects: Methodological aspects and clinical relevance. Evid Based Endod, 2017, 2:1-8. ( DOI 10.1186/s41121-017-0014-1
Coelho M.S., Card S.J., Tawil P.Z. Light-Emitting Diode Assessment of Dentinal Defects: The Role of Presumed Extraction Forces. Restor Dent Endod, 2017, 42(3):232-9.
Galicia J.C., Kawilarang J, Tawil P.Z. Clinical Applications of Cone Beam-Computed Tomography in Modern Dental Practice. J Stomatol, 2017,7:314-26.
Parker J.M., Mol A., Rivera E.M., Tawil P.Z. CBCT Uses in Clinical Endodontics: The effect of CBCT on the ability to locate MB2 in maxillary molars. Int Endod J, 2017, 50:1109-15.
Islambasic M., Coelho M.S, Pettiette M., Tawil P.Z. Nominal Size and Taper Analysis of Novel Metallurgy NiTi Files. Eur Endod J, 2016, 1:1-5.
Kan E., Coelho M.S., Reside J., Card S., Tawil P.Z. Periapical Microsugery: The Effects of Locally Injected Dexamethasone on Pain, Swelling, Bruising and Wound Healing. J Endod, 2016, 42:1608-1612.
Tawil P.Z. Periapical Microsurgery: Can Ultrasonic Root-End Preparations Clinically Create or Propagate Dentinal Defects? J Endod, 2016, 42:1472-5.
Coelho M.S., Card S.J., Tawil P.Z. Light-emitting Diode Assessment of Dentinal Defects after Root Canal Preparation with Profile, TRUShape, and WaveOne Gold Systems. J Endod, 2016, 42(9):1393-96.
Coelho M.S., Card S., Tawil, P.Z. Visualization Enhancement of Dentinal Defects Using Light-Emitting Diode Transillumination. J Endod, 2016; 42:1110-3
Coelho M.S., Parker J.M., Tawil P.Z., Second Mesiobuccal Canal Treatment in an Undergraduate University Clinic: a Retrospective Clinical Study. J Dent Educ, 2016; 80(6): 726-30.
Tawil P.Z., Duggan D.J., Galicia J.C. Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA): Its History, Composition, and Clinical Applications. Compend Contin Educ, 2015; 36(4):247–52.
Tawil P.Z., Saraiya V.M., Galicia J.C., Duggan D.J. Periapical Microsugery: The effect of root dentinal defects on short and long term outcome. J Endod, 2015; 41:22-7.
Tawil P.Z., Duggan D.J. Relever les défis en endodontie: Technologies & Métallurgies Nouvelles. J Omnipratique Dent, 2014; 72:8-14.
Tawil P.Z., Duggan D.J. Ahead of the Curve: Using New Technology and Metallurgy to Address Endodontic Challenges. Inside Dent, 2014; 10(3):46-50.
Miller E.K., Lee J.Y., Tawil P.Z., Teixeira F.B., Vann W.F. Emerging Therapies for the Management of Traumatized Immature Permanent Incisors. Pediatr Dent 2012; 34(1):66-9.
Levin B.P., Tawil P. Posterior tooth replacement with dental implants in sites augmented with rhBMP-2 at the time of extraction - a case series. Compend Contin Educ 2012; 33(2):104-8.
Duggan D., Arnold R.R., Teixeira F.B., Caplan D.J., Tawil P. Periapical Inflammation and Bacterial Penetration After Coronal Inoculation of Dog Roots Filled with RealSeal1 or Thermafil. J Endod, 2009; 35:852-7.
Kirakozova A., Teixeira F. B., Curran A.E., Gu F., Tawil P.Z., Trope M. The Effect of Intracanal Corticosteroids on Healing of Replanted Dog Teeth after Extended Dry Times. J Endod, 2009; 35:663-7.
Tawil P.Z., Trope M., Curran A.E., Caplan D., Kirakozova A., Duggan D., Teixeira F.B. Periapical Microsurgery: An In Vivo Evaluation of Root-End Filling Materials. J Endod, 2009; 35:357-62.
Refereed Abstracts in Journals
Hamer E., Tawil P., Saemundsson S., Oliveira G. Dental Dam Usage in United States Dental Schools: A Nationwide Survey. J Endod, 2020, 46(4):e22.
Goglia J., Duqum I.,Tawil P., Saemundsson S. Mouthguard Use in NCAA Basketball Programs. J Endod, 2020, 46(4):e26.
Mittelsteadt M., Philips C., Saemundsson S.R., Tawil P. Guiding Factors in Recommending Surgery Vs. Retreatment. J Endod, 2019, 45(5):e13.
Arnarsdottir E., Saemundsson S.R., Karunanayake G.A., Philips C., Tawil P. Periapical Microsurgery: Assessment of different types of Light Emitting Diode (LED) transilluminators in detection of dentinal defects, J Endod, 2019, 45(5):e17.
Pettit N., Philips C., Walter R., Ferreira Susin L., Tawil P. Assessment of different types of Light Emitting Diode (LED) transilluminators in detection of coronal cracks and fractures. J Endod, 2019, 45(5):e37.
Coelho M., Vilas Boas L., Tawil P.Z. The Effect of Photodynamic Therapy on Postoperative Pain in Teeth with Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis. J Endod, 2019, 45(5):e42.
Crossen D., Tawil P., Morelli T., Tyndall D. Periapical Microsurgery: A 4-D Analysis of Healing Patterns. J Endod, 2018, 44(3):e15.
Strange K., Walia H., Phillips C., Fouad A., Tawil P. Long-term Outcome Assessment and Treatment of Resilon System Compared to Gutta-Percha. J Endod, 2018, 44(3):e6.
Payne L., Fouad A., Phillips C., Walia H., Tawil P. Resilon: Assessment of Degraded Filling Material in Non-Healed Cases. J Endod, 2018, 44(3):e34.
Pettit N., Phillips C., Walter R., Tawil P. Assessment of Dental Fiberoptic Transillumination Devices. J Endod, 2018, 44(3):e38.
Arnarsdottir E.K., Saemundsson S.R., Phillips C., Tawil P.Z. Periapical Microsurgery: Can Root Canal Retreatment Clinically Cause More Dentinal Defects? J Endod, 2018, 44(3):e15.
Coelho M., Vilas Boas L., Tawil P. The effects of Photodynamic Therapy on Postoperative Pain of Cases with Necrotic Pulps. J Endod, 2018, 44(3):e18.
Yeung W., Shallal-Ayzin M., Trinh T., Tawil P., Haggerty C., Wu D., Khan A. A Prospective Analysis of Prognostic Indicators of Direct Pulp Caps on Mature Permanent Teeth, J Endod, 2017, 43(3):7.
Coelho M., Fouad A., Card S., Tawil P.. The Role of Extraction Forces and Storage Time in the Development of Dentinal Defects, J Endod, 2017, 43(3):12.
Shallal-Ayzin M., Yeung W., Trinh T., Tawil P., Haggerty C., Wu D., Khan A. A Prospective Analysis of Perioperative Pain Following VPT on Permanent Teeth with Mature Apices, J Endod, 2017, 43(3):38.
Trinh T., Shallal-Ayzin M., Yeung W., Tawil P., Haggerty C., Wu D., Khan A. The Influence of Intra-Operative Factors on Vital Pulp Therapy Outcome, J Endod, 2017; 43(3):41.
Coelho M.S., Card S., Tawil P. The Use of Light-Emitting Diode Transillumination for Dentinal Defect Assessment; J Endod, 2016; 42:11.
Parker J., Tawil P., Rivera E., Mol A. CBCT Uses in Clinical Endodontics - Part 1: Effect of CBCT on the ability to locate MB2 in maxillary molars; Part 2: Specificity and Sensitivity of detecting periapical lesions using CBCT, J Endod, 2016; 42:16.
Islambasic M., Pettiette M., Arnold R., Tawil P. Nominal Size and Taper Analysis of Novel Metallurgy Nickel-Titanium Rotary Files. J Endod, 2015; 41:10.
Kan E., Reside J., Duggan D., Tawil P.. Periapical Microsugery: The Effects of Locally Injected Dexamethasone on Post-Operative Healing. J Endod, 2015; 41:26.
Tawil P.Z., Trope M., Curran A.E., Teixeira F.B.. Periapical Microsurgery: An In Vivo Evaluation of Root-End Filling Materials. J Endod, 2008; 34:345.
Refereed other products of scholarship
Tawil P.Z. Periapical Microsurgery: Embracing the Renaissance. AAE communiqué, Featured Story. Oct 2021.
Tawil P.Z. JOE Podcast of the Month. J Endod, January 2015 Podcast.
Tawil P. Endo: L’indispensable update, vrais progrès & fausses innovations, de la cavité jusqu’à l’apex. J d’Omnipratique Dent, 2014; 67:27-29.
Tawil P.Z., Duggan D.J. Ahead of the Curve: Using New Technology and Metallurgy to Address Endodontic Challenges. (Re-print) Oral Health J, 2014, May(5):76-82.
Stone R., Gutmann J., Tawil P.Z., Niemcyk S.P. Route Planner: An Inside Look at Apex Locators. Mentor 2014; 1:14-18.
Stone R., Gutmann J., Tawil P.Z., Niemczyk S.P., Ruddle C.J. The Right Stuff: The concluding installment of a four-part series on root canals. Mentor 2013; 3:12-16.
Tawil P.Z., Shapiro S. Apicoectomy, Microsurgical Endodontics. Probe & Mirror 2010; 37: 12.
Tawil P.Z. LE TRAITEMENT DE CANAL, Collection Protégez-Vous. Guide pratique des soins dentaires 2010; 6:38-39.
Book Chapters
Nesbit S.P., Broome A., Tawil P.Z., Boushell L.W. Chapter 2, Common Diagnoses in Dentistry. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry. Mosby, 3rd edition, 2016, 24-71.
Tawil P.Z.. Chapter 2, Appendix J: Pulpal and Periapical Diagnoses. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry. Mosby, 3rd edition, 2016, 47.
Tawil P.Z.. Chapter 2, Appendix L: Tooth Cracks and Fractures. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry. Mosby, 3rd edition, 2016, 53-55.
Tawil P.Z.. Chapter 10, Elective (nonacute) Endodontic Problems. Definitive Phase of Treatment. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry. Mosby, 3rd edition, 2016, 243–245.
Nesbit S.P., Gonzalez-Cabezas C., Reside J., Moretti A., Tawil P.Z., Boushell L.W., Gerdts G., Lim P.F. Chapter 9, Disease Control Phase of Treatment. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning in Dentistry. Mosby, 3rd edition, 2016, 192-225.
2016-2021 Top Dentists, Peer-reviewed nomination, Chapel Hill, NC
2016 American Association of Endodontists Recommended Speaker List
2014 ADA Certificate for International Volunteer Service
2014 Paul Calas, SFE International Endodontics Research Award
2014 ADA CE Online Courses: Peer-reviewed leading author Award
2013 ADA CE Online Courses: Peer-reviewed leading author Award
2008 AAE / Dentsply Resident Research Award
2008 NC-AADR Derek T. Turner M.S. Graduate Research Award
2007 Jacob Freedland Scholarship
2004 ADEA Quest for Excellence in Dental Education Award
2003 Loreat FORCES AVENIR Provincial Award - Oral Health & Homeless Youth project
2004 Class Vice-President (DMD Class of 1999-2004)
2004 DMD Wyeth Award - Social events and extracurricular activities
2003 DMD Scotia Bank award - Best sense of integrity and values